NHS Begin Evaluating Early Bladder Cancer Detection Test

In the UK about 10,000 people are diagnosed with bladder cancer each year. The main symptom is blood in the urine which involves an invasive hospital procedure to look inside the bladder. A new non-invasive test could be the answer.
Bladder Cancer – Early diagnosis and surveillance monitoring from urine sample

The new innovative GALEAS Bladder Cancer Test detects bladder cancer using genetic markers from a simple urine sample, collected painlessly in the comfort of your own home.
Cervical Cancer and HPV

99.7% of cervical cancers are caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). Regular HPV testing can eliminate the risk of developing cervical cancer completely.
The Genetics of Cancer

With 1 in 2 people in the UK developing some form of cancer in their lifetime many people want to know if there is anything they can do to minimise that risk