Pharmacogenomics Test

  • Discover how your DNA influences your response to many prescribed and over-the-counter medications
  • Identify how you respond to a medication and your risk of unwanted side-effects
  • Identify medications that you should avoid completely
  • Avoid the usual trial and error approach to treatment
  • Improve quality of life
  • A comprehensive clinically actionable DNA test for drug response
  • A non-invasive pain-free swab carried out at home
  • Free postage to and from the laboratory
  • Results in 15 – 20 working days
  • Once off test that can be re-reviewed for future medications
  • NOW includes oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy (HRT) guidance.


How is your DNA affecting the medications you take?

Almost 99% of us carry at least one modification in our DNA that affects our response to many prescribed and over the counter medications, resulting in either unnecessary side-effects or it not working properly. Selection and dose of medications should NOT be a “one size fits all” approach.

Specific genes in our DNA code for specialised enzymes that metabolise our medications or that change how the medication reaches a specific part of the body. Variations in these genes can cause significant differences in enzyme performance resulting in a drug not working in quite the same way in one person as it does in another.

You may metabolise the drug too quickly meaning that it might all be gone before it has its intended effect and therefore the standard dose is not enough for you. Or, you may metabolise the drug too slowly, and it hangs around for too long, building up beyond safe levels in your body, leading to side effects. A medication that is safe for someone else may be dangerous for you, even at the same dose, and should be avoided.

Simple to sample, personalised medicine testing at home

A pain-free swab is sufficient to screen specific genes in your DNA responsible for drug metabolism, providing assistance in choosing, or changing to, more appropriate medications at dosages suited to you, and which to avoid.

1. Order your kit

Order online and we will send you a home DNA sampling kit containing everything you need. Kits are sent via First Class post.

2. Take DNA samples

Follow the instructions included in the sampling kit, complete the paperwork, then send the sample back to our laboratory using the pre-paid Tracked 24 box.

3. DNA test processed

36 genes responsible for drug metabolism are analysed, providing recommendations regarding the prescription of many commonly used medications.

4. Final results

Your reports will be sent directly to your Medical Practitioner within 20 working days.

Testing is very easy with no need for an appointment with a Dr or nurse but as this is a clinical test the information the test provides means that either a GP or a Clinical Pharmacist must consent to interpreting the report with you before you order the test. Contact us at if you would like us to refer you to a private GP practice who can help.

You will receive both an easier to interpret summary report and a detailed comprehensive report. The test cannot be processed without a signed Test Request Form.

Comparing pharmacogenomic and standard approaches to prescribing
Benefits of this pharmacogenomics test

Pharmacogenomics testing has revealed that more than seven out of ten of us are not “normal” metabolisers (the rate at which we break down a substance in our body) of many commonly prescribed medications covering multiple conditions. This results in a drug being ineffective or resulting in significant side effects in many of us. By identifying how our DNA influences our response to our medications we can reduce the number of side effects we might be experiencing, either now, or in the future. You may be able to reduce the length of time you are on a drug, as well as improve overall quality of life by starting more effective treatments.

The test is particularly beneficial if you are on five or more medications as you are at a higher risk of experiencing side effects related to drug–drug/drug–gene interactions. These side effects; such as weight gain, cardiovascular complications (such as bleeding, bruising, anaemia, fatigue, bradycardia, coughs), sedation, sexual dysfunction, gastrointestinal issues, nephrotoxicity, hormonal imbalances, antimicrobial resistance, nausea, and dizziness.

With access to the award-winning tools ReviewGx and TreatGx we can enhance treatment selection by utilising condition-specific algorithms that incorporate both pharmacogenetic and clinical data. This means prescribing recommendations are made based not on your Pharmacogenomics result, but also on current medications, past medications, liver function, kidney function, allergies and other medical conditions if provided to us.

Our pharmacogenomics test is proving exceptionally useful and life-changing for those on those on cardiovascular and stroke medication (such as Clopidogrel), mental health, neurological and pain medications, oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy.

Being a DNA test, this is a once off test for life. Your DNA does not change. We can revisit your report as new possible medications are offered to you. No need to retest.

What's included in your test kit?

Your kit will include easy to follow instructions plus the following items:

A) Two swabs
B) Two tubes
C) Two barcodes
D) Protective pouch
E) Prepaid return postage box

Get your DNA “Passport” for current and future medications

Discover how your DNA influences your response to medications. This test will support you in finding the right drug, at the right dose.


Guides recommendations regarding 36 genes covering the prescription of many medications across multiple clinical categories.


Provides clinically actionable dosing guidance for all genes covered excluding those with only weak or no documented clinical guidance.

For your own health and safety you must not stop taking, or adjust dosages of, drugs yourself upon receiving your final report. The report should be used, along with the your medical history and any other relevant personal medical information, such as your age, weight, height, kidney and liver function. There are other factors that can affect how you respond to a particular drug. This test cannot identify a drug allergy, intolerance or the impact of all drug-drug interactions.

Want to learn more?

Do I have to take, or stop, any medication for the test?
You do not need to take any medication for the test. Do not stop any medication that you’re already taking. The test is designed to measure how your genes will react to certain medications, and not the presence of any medicine that is in your blood sample. Your current medication will also not have any effect on the test.

How much does it cost?
The test will cost £299 including VAT, all postage within the United Kingdom, and your sampling kit.

How long does the test take/when will I get my results?
20 working days from receipt of your sample back in the laboratory. Reports will be emailed to you and your nominated consenting Medical Practitioner.

What sample do I need to give?
A swab of the inside of your mouth. The cells lining the inside of your cheeks and oral cavity are called epithelial cells and contain your DNA.

How does the test work?
Cells from inside the lining of your mouth are called epithelial cells. Lightly removing the surface layer of these cells onto a swab provides the lab with a small amount of your DNA. The specific areas of your DNA that are responsible for how you metabolise drugs that are processed by the body through certain well defined metabolic pathways are then analysed.

How do I order the test?
Download the Test Request Form for your GP or Clinical Pharmacist and order the test from the Forensic Genomics Innovation Hub.

How often do I have to take this test?
You only need to do this test once. Your genetic code doesn’t change, so you will always be able to refer to your test should you need to take any over the counter or prescription medication in the future.

Does my GP need to be involved in the test?
No and Yes! The test is very easy to do and does not require anyone medical to take the sample for you. You can order the test directly from us, wait for the kit to arrive in the post, then take your sample in the comfort of your own environment. A blood sample is not required. However, your Medical Practitioner must consent to interpreting the report for you and agree to receive a copy of the report. Only they can make any potential changes to your drug regime. The test will not be run by the lab if your practitioner not signed the Pharmacogenomics Testing Request Form that you send back to the lab with your sample.

Does it matter what time of the day I test?
Not at all. Only requirement is that you have not eaten or drunk anything for 30 minutes before taking your swab. The presence of food particles on your swab may prevent the test from working. Liquid can result in insufficient numbers of cells.

How soon after doing the swab must the sample be posted?
The same day.

Will I be able to understand the results of the test, or will I need my GP to explain it to me?
The report is very informative and will require interpretation from a Dr or Pharmacist. A copy of the report will go to your Practitioner (GP or Clinical Pharmacist) as only they can make decisions around whether any changes must be made to any current drugs you are taking. They will look at the report and make a decision in context with your medical history and overall health. You must not attempt to change your regime based on your own interpretation.

Is this test only for people currently taking drugs for certain conditions, or can anyone do it?
Anyone, of any age, regardless of whether they are on drugs or not can do the test. The report is with you for life. It could be of huge benefit for you in the future and helping your Practitioner make decisions around what drugs to give you should you need them. The time, possible side-effects and even money saved from taking the right drug at the right dose from the outset is a huge benefit to us all.

Is the test reliable and does it have evidence to support it?
The field of pharmacogenomics has grown rapidly and there is more than sufficient evidence to support the routine use of PGx testing, especially for you if you are taking long term prescribed drugs. In a study done in the USA , almost two-thirds of people needed to have their drugs changed due to them experiencing unwelcome side effects. Almost all the recommended prescription changes were endorsed by their doctors.