Forensic DNA Analysis
FGIH analyses crime scene related samples using both Capillary Electrophoresis (CE), the gold standard in forensics, and next generation sequencing (NGS) technology. Sometimes referred to as massive parallel sequencing (MPS) this technology provides a deeper look into individual DNA characteristics. It provides more information on a greater number of analysed traits/characteristics around the origin/owner of a stain.
Next to the genetic fingerprint more highly informative short tandem repeats (STRs), point mutations (SNPs) plus physical appearance and geographic origin associated markers can be analysed in one approach. Therefore in one NGS analysis you might already know how many people contributed to a stain, if a male individual contributed to the stain, and you might get a hint on (if it’s a single stain) where a person descended from geographically and how this person might look.

Which cases can be solved by our methods?

CRIME SCENE STAINS Basically every crime scene stain can be analysed with NGS. The benefit will be there but as it is not as cost-effective as the regular genetic fingerprinting it should only be used in specific cases. The benefit for mixture stains is very high due to more analysed markers and a deeper resolution of the stain. There are however newer kits available for NGS that are soon to make it a more viable option for larger numbers of samples.

COLD CASES Sometimes routine methods do not provide the results needed, especially old and degraded samples. These samples benefit hugely from the NGS method. To figure out if FGIH can contribute to a case we can run through cases together and find the best solution to get more information.

MISSING PERSON & MASS DISASTER The nature of the material collected in these cases can be complicated due to the circumstances e.g. a mass burial or a disaster. NGS however might still be able to provide answers as there are a lot of highly accurate markers, useful in degraded samples. NGS is not only used for chromosomal DNA but also for sequencing mitochondrial DNA which is very applicable in degraded samples.

KINSHIP & GENEALOGY The information generated by NGS can be used for easy kinship analysis (i.e. identifying “next of kin”) with a known person, as in relationships between a son and a father. If the person analysis unknown a more complicated method needs to be done. 1000’s of DNA markers are analysed to calculate kinship to other people matching in a specific database search. FGIH uses highly trained genealogists and commercially available kits for kinship determination and genealogy purposes.
If you want to work with FGIH on your investigation and get the most out of a stain, or case, feel free to contact us.
We provide over 20 years of experience in crime scene analysis & want to provide you with high quality accurate results to help you solve your cases. We offer a professional friendly approach, dedicating our experience to your case, and will only recommend analysis that are really useful for each particular case.
If you want to meet with us in person and go through the case together please get in touch via or give us a call at