Cervical Cancer and HPV

Women drinking coffee

99.7% of cervical cancers are caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). Regular HPV testing can eliminate the risk of developing cervical cancer completely.

The Genetics of Cancer


With 1 in 2 people in the UK developing some form of cancer in their lifetime many people want to know if there is anything they can do to minimise that risk

FGIH Obtains UKAS 17025 Accreditation


The FGIH may be a small team, but the passion for quality and excellence in service delivery to all our clients during the pandemic, has resulted in a well-deserved stamp of approval…

A little history on forensic DNA analysis

Before you start reading about fascinating crime scene investigations and riddle solving, you might be interested in how the success story of the genetic fingerprint started…

Genetic Fingerprinting


Genetic Fingerprinting or sometimes called DNA profiling is a method to define individual DNA characteristics for one person. The process was invented in the early 1980s by Alec Jeffreys, Peter Gill and Dave Werrett who were working for the Forensic Science Service in the UK. The first patent however for this method was stated in […]